Barbicide 16 oz

SKU:: 25002

Price: $6.95
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Barbicide 16 oz

Barbicide® Disinfectant Concentrate

Hospital-grade, EPA approved broad-spectrum disinfectant.

•Proven effective against HIV-1, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas, Salmonella, Clostridium Difficile, MRSA, Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus (VRE), Herpes, Influenza (including H1N1), “Athletes Foot” (Tinea Pedis)
•Complies with OSHA's blood borne pathogens standard
•U.S. EPA-registered hospital-grade, broad-spectrum disinfectant
•Safe for acrylic tanning beds, stainless steel, plastics, combs, brushes, rollers and shears
•Concentrate—Simple to mix, without taking up precious shelf space!
•Anti-rust formulation protects your expensive shears
•Will not stain skin or surfaces
•Barbicide® has led the industry in disinfection since 1947!


•For hard countertops and non-porous surfaces—Mix 2 ounces (1/4 cup) of Barbicide® disinfectant with 32 ounces of water, spray on surface and maintain surface moisture for 10 minutes before use or drying.
•For stainless steel and plastic salon implements and equipment—Mix 2 ounces (1/4 cup) of Barbicide® disinfectant with 32 ounces of water. Immerse implements for 10 minutes. Soak and thoroughly rinse with water before use.

Suggested Uses:

•Manicure/pedicure bowls and tubs
•Stainless steel implements
•Plastic combs, brushes, rollers, etc.
Download MSDS sheet at